Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. Regardless of where you are in your cancer journey, maintaining a positive mindset is a powerful tool to help manage stress and support peace of mind. This Mental Health Awareness Month and Women’s Health Month serve as an important reminder to take care of your mental health every step of the way. Whether you just received a breast cancer diagnosis, are navigating breast cancer treatment, or are in remission, we honor where you are in your journey and encourage you to take care of your mental health every day. Here are steps to follow to nurture your mental health

Check In with Yourself

Slowing down and making time and space for yourself by tuning into how your body and mind are feeling is pivotal for supporting good mental health. Consider journaling or another creative outlet for a positive release of your emotions. Honor where you are in this moment, and where you want to be. Some days might be harder than others and that’s ok. There might be days you don’t want to discuss your diagnosis, which is completely understandable. Set healthy boundaries with friends and family, and let them know when you’re not in the mood to talk about your diagnosis. Sometimes you need a break to focus on yourself and what brings you joy. 

The Importance of a Support System

Maintaining a strong support system through friends, family, your healthcare team, or a support group during and after your breast cancer treatment is a pivotal step to take for supporting your mental health. Connecting with other breast cancer survivors or attending a support group is also a beneficial option for additional support. 

Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes 

Incorporating daily or weekly exercise into your wellness routine is foundational for your mental health. Even getting ten minutes of exercise each day can be helpful. Implementing healthy eating habits is also essential to support your overall well-being. It’s crucial to eat a balanced diet to ensure your body receives the key nutrients it needs for optimal physical and mental health. 

Share Your Story

Sharing your story with others can help you cultivate community and feel less alone. Consider joining our women’s support group to connect with other women about their experience with cancer, and share your story.  

Practice Yoga

Practicing yoga helps with stress management, encourages relaxation of the mind and body, slows the breath, and supports a focus on the present moment. 

Talk to a Therapist

Speaking with a therapist is a great outlet for talking about life’s stressors and processing stressful thoughts and feelings. At New York Breast Health, we offer supportive services including social work and psychology. 

Prioritize Your Sleep

Good sleep is essential to good health, and getting adequate rest can help reduce your stress levels. 

Spend Time in Nature

Nature can be incredibly healing. Evidence reveals an association between nature exposure and improved cognitive function, brain activity, blood pressure, mental health, physical activity, and sleep. Find a way to incorporate spending time in nature into your weekly routine.


Meditation is a supportive tool to help you feel more calm and at peace.  

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