Women's Cancer Support Group!

We are excited to announce that based on remarkable patient feedback, we’ve decided to implement the Women's Cancer Support Group. As always, our goal is to help patients navigate and cope with the emotions of cancer diagnosis and provide resources to empower them.

The Women's Cancer Support Group, facilitated by Wendy Kaplan, RDN, and Dr. Yelda Nouri, will be held every second Wednesday of each month at our Lake Success office from 6-7 pm.

This group will discuss the importance of looking at the big picture, focusing largely on various strategies for understanding and utilizing practical information and nutrition material in practical ways. Social connectedness is a key component for thriving, so we hope this will help fulfill the need for emotional and peer support while creating meaningful connections. 

Although The Women's Cancer Support Group, is based in our Lake Success office, all cancer patients are welcome to attend. 

Any questions and to RSVP, email nutrition@nycancer.com or call 631-675-5063 .

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