Our breast health specialists are dedicated to providing comprehensive, compassionate breast health services. Our team is highly trained in the latest techniques and technologies to diagnose and treat breast cancer close to home. Our board-certified staff includes breast surgical oncologists, breast surgeons, and breast radiologists to help navigate all aspects of breast care.
We offer surgical and medical oncology, breast imaging, breast cancer prevention, planning and screening, educational services, genetic testing, nutritional guidance, psychosocial support, and survivorship services. Our comprehensive breast imaging services include advanced 3D mammography, breast ultrasound, and breast MRI.
NY Breast Health's board-certified radiologists are leaders in the field of breast imaging, working closely with a multidisciplinary team of specialists to provide the highest quality and most personalized care possible. Our state-of-the-art breast imaging center combines diagnostic imaging, cancer support services, and women’s health, all under one roof.
We’ve put together the advanced technology, the expert team, and the commitment to a comprehensive approach for complete care.