National Self-Check Month

At New York Breast Health, we prioritize you and your breast health. The best way to prevent breast cancer is by knowing your breasts. Breast self-exams are an easy early detection tool for breast cancer that you can do yourself in the comfort of your own home. Becoming familiar with the way your breasts look and feel allows you to notice changes more easily. February is National Self-Check Month. Take time this month to conduct your own self-check.

How to do a Breast Self-Check:

  1. Examine your breasts in a mirror 

    • With your hands on your hips and your shoulders straight, look at your breasts and see if you notice any dimpling, puckering, rash, or swelling. 

  2. Raise your arms and examine your breasts 

    • Standing in the mirror again, raise your arms and look for the same signs. 

  3. Look for signs of breast fluid 

    • Also, while looking in the mirror, look for any signs of fluid coming out of one or both of your nipples. 

  4. Feel for breast lumps while lying down

    • While lying down, use your right hand to feel your left breast. Using your finger pads, press down on your breast and move them in a circular motion. Do this on your entire breast and nipple. 

  5. Feel your breasts for lumps while standing 

    • Feel your breasts in the same motion while standing up. Many women feel like doing this in the shower is the easiest way.

If you notice any abnormalities while doing your self-check, don’t panic. Talk to your doctor at New York Breast Health or schedule an appointment for them to conduct a breast check or an ultrasound. 


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