Baseline Mammograms

What is a Baseline Mammogram? What will it be like?

Getting ready for your first mammogram can be a little scary. Knowing what is happening and why it is so important can be a key factor in settling those nerves. 

What is a baseline mammogram? 

A baseline mammogram is usually the first screening mammogram a woman gets. 

When should I get a baseline mammogram? 

Women ages 35 to 40 may obtain one baseline mammogram.

Why is a baseline mammogram important? 

It’s used for comparison with follow-up screenings.

It is also important to highlight that routine breast cancer screenings are recommended for all women, regardless of family history. Not only is keeping your breasts as healthy as possible good for your overall health it is also important for finding breast cancer. Mammograms allow doctors to see things in your breast that you may not even be able to feel and that’s because a mammogram uses low-dose x-rays to create an image of the breast tissue. 

For most women, a mammogram is the best way to find breast cancer as early as possible. This is such an important thing because in the United States, about 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their life. 

Knowing what you are walking into for your baseline mammogram is important for your own well-being. The entire mammogram procedure takes about 30 minutes. Each of your breasts will be compressed for only 20 to 30 seconds. This may seem intimidating, and while compression can be uncomfortable, it’s also very important. It allows the breast tissue to spread and flatten, this gives a clearer view of the entire breast and therefore gives your doctor more information. 

Here at NY Breast Imaging we are dedicated to breast health, including preventing, detecting, and treating breast cancer. At our state of the art imaging center we offer the most comprehensive breast imaging services. This includes advanced 3D mammography, breast ultrasound, and breast MRI equipment. While having a baseline mammogram may seem overwhelming, knowing how important it is and how quickly it will be over is also important. 


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